about me

who is wandering lamb?

Hello! My name is Ruben Cordero but before I let you know a little bit about myself, you should know where Wandering Lamb comes from.

It was born from three meanings that make up who I am. First is the word Lamb. In Spanish, lamb translates to Cordero, which is my last name. Second is Wandering, which was inspired by a song from one of my favorite bands, Thrice. And Third, Wandering Lamb put together represents my faith, serving as a reminder that I am not forgotten and that Jesus will always pursue me fully (Matt. 18:12-14).

Now, I invite you to get to know me a little better.

I am a husband and father of two beautiful little girls #girldad. They are the most important people in my life. I consider myself to be an elder emo but really I enjoy most musical genres. If I'm not taking photos, I'm probably watching soccer. Life starts after coffee and the day is over after a few beers. I'm always ready for adventures and your session might just turn into one.

You've been warned. 

my wife & little lambs


This baddie right here is my bride. We met in 2006 playing the beautiful game (futbol). We got married in 2013 and moved to the Southwest where we lived in Phoenix for almost 6 years. After having our second baby we decided to move back and be closer to family. As you can tell in the photo, she has become my partner in crime during my photography sessions!


This brown sassy beauty is my firstborn. She is also my mini-me. She's a multi-talented perfectionist and loves to learn all the things. She is also the kindest and most thoughtful kid ever. She gives with all her heart just to see you smile. I also believe that one day she will be a leader.


Don't let the innocent face fool you. Although this little nugget is shy and quiet when she first meets people, she will become your best friend if you are patient. But be warned, she will cause chaos.

If you were to ask her what is one thing she would eat for the rest of her life, she would say pickles.